Saturday, September 1, 2007

T'was the Labor Day Weekend

T'was the Labor Day Weekend (6:15 am), and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring- except me I'm always the first up- but I'm quiet as a mouse
Hoping no one will know where I'm at!
My Andrew is snug on the couch in the family room, TV is on-what's up with that?he looks cute anyway!
Did my 6 miles yesterday, so yea- I'm set
Coffee cup in hand- Cafe Verona, if you please
Sorting through the bits on my desk, and getting caught up on paperwork-
thinking of the weekend ahead-

okay the Night Before Christmas rhythm isn't working, let's just continue--

Weekend plans

-cutting down a tree :- ( sad I know, but want to allow the cherry tree to flourish
-digging up two shrubs, so I can begin constructing my cottage garden in the front
-no "real" cooking until Monday- promised ribs on the grill- for la familia
-pool time, catch those last few rays of summer sunshine!
-finish the Friday Night Knitting Club- it's over due already, but a great book
-card making- September birthdays- design Christmas card (I hope)
-organizing- get stuff ready for our neighborhood yard sale
-more knitting, please, please, so much yarn, and almost nothing in the works! found tons of patterns on are worthy of a post later this weekend

-some "tidying up" yard work to get things ready for fall- weeding, pull up stuff that is turning brown, etc. what I call easy yard work, but not anything I really enjoy, just needs to be done.

-providing dinner for the youth on Sunday evening-deli style sandwiches, chips, drinks, cookies-piece of cake!

-walking on Sunday and Monday-then back to normal exercise regime-I do miss Gilad from Fit TV, but I have him preserved on my DVDs!

-pick up the Alero again from the mechanic-thought we had this taken care of?
-waiting to get my information on the mystery stole-

I think that's plenty-

Now I think I'll go on the deck and have a bowl of cereal now, and watch the sun finish rising!


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