Friday, December 28, 2007

Just killing time . . .

there's nothing like work after a major holiday-like nothing to do! I'd so love to be knitting right now, I've got three sock projects hanging from my coat rack, and I'm just staring at the clock until I can go home! I did have a nice lunch with Steve. The Chief has ordered all non-undercover guys to wear their uniforms-he's always looked so cute in his :-), so off we go to lunch.

so looking forward to the family get together tomorrow-

have decided to join Kathy in a "square a month" quilting club thingy. I was sold when the colors- turquoise, cream, brown camel-"think Vera Bradley" were mentioned. Kathy has promised to fully support me in this venture-

have spent time planning projects-making sure my calendar is up to date. Boy I wish I could be knitting right now- but I've already said that haven't I?

I've stalked all the blogs, found some new ones. Got a phone call from PJ letting me know the youth group is on it's way home from TN. Dinner is practically cooked, and then I'm off to the grocery store, need to figure out one other appetizer for tomorrow . . blah blah blah . . . now I'm just thinking of stuff to write!


Tabitha said...

As far as I know there is no deadline for Pay it Forward. Send me an snail mail address and I will add you to my list.

Mary said...

ooohhh - comment #1 looks much more interesting than this one will be! looking forward to tomorrow as well - M.