Monday, June 25, 2007


I have started knitting blankets as baby gifts. Since October I've knit blankets for 3-co workers, and a new member of our church. Steve informed that he had someone at work whose wife was expecting a baby anytime, so I volunteered to do one for him. Turns out that Steve has 2 other co-workers having babies, so I got to knitting. This blanket is #2 of 3 for Steve. We have somoneone at church who is having a baby, so I'll owe her a blanket, but she doesn't know what she's having yet, so I'll wait. The yarn I've been using is a wonderful cotton, and comes in a very cool bubble gum/cotton candy ish color, so I'm hoping Melanie will have a girl, so I can use that yarn. I have one more for a co-worker who is having a boy in November. I love doing these because they are so soft, and I know that the receipient is going to really appreciate the gift. This is another reason why I enjoy knitting so much. I often work on these during my lunch hour, and my colleagues are very intrigued by the whole process. I've taught a couple gals how to knit, but I don't think the "fever" has hit them yet.

The blanket as it was "blocked". I love the pattern. It is an alternate between garter stitch blocks and stockinette with a garter stitch border. If I can give it the time, I can finish one in a week. That means knitting when I ride the bus to and from work, and on my lunch hour. Andrew has soccer cam this week, so I won't be doing the bus, so I'll be having to find more time to get #3 finished.

1 comment:

Mary said...

lovely! are you still thinking about socks? the yarn harlot's latest ones (even though she says they don't match) have me thinking about them...