Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mini Book Review

My latest books were both awesome, but for different reasons.

Miss Julia takes nothing off nobody, and still maintains grace and composure befitting her age (60ish) and her Presbyterianism-is that a word? I think this is by far the most funny, as Miss Julia gets her self tangled up with some nasty characters. I highly recommend it for a light funny change of pace.

The next one

The Friday Night Knitting Club
, made me cry and think. I always grab the ones that are knitting themed-duh! But I think you could substitute the "knitting" for anything that you truly enjoy. Which kinda goes back to the name of the blog. I knew this was the book for me when on the very first page preceding Chapter 1 begins "The Gathering: choosing your wool is dizzying with potential (like life?). The waves of colors and textures tempt with visions of a sweater or cap (and all the accompanying compliments you hope to receive) but don't reveal the hard work required to get there our hard work is not always visible to others. . . .it seems unbelievable to me that by pulling together a motley collection of the soft yarn, the sharp needles, the scripted pattern, the smoothing hook, the intangibles of creativity, humanity, and imagination, you can create something that will hold a piece of your soul, but you can". I love that!

When describing the two basic stitches that are "knitting" Jacobs says, ". . . the knit stitch on one side is smooth, and the purl is bumpy- knit is what you show the world; purl is the soft, nubbly underside you keep close to the skin". I think we all have some nubby undersides we don't show- could be emotions or treasurs of the heart-

I really love what she had to say in this book- I hope there are others who enjoy it as much as I did.


Photos courtesy of

1 comment:

Mary said...

I need to read the knitting club - thanks for the review! hope you had sun today, we did, a bit - but still very sorry to say good-bye to summer!