Friday, December 7, 2007

Bribery . . .

it works everytime. here's the ditty- i'm so close to finishing the SOTS it's ridiculous, and i'm almost paranoid that i'll spend the next few days not making it past a few rows, because of continuous frogging, i'm trying to remain optimistic, but have resorted to bribery, hey sometimes you just get desparate!. . . so since saturday is jammed up with activities from 0 dark 30 until noon, i've made a deal with The Family. once we're done at church i'll head to starbucks for a "few" hours to work on the Blue Thing, and The Family will get . .

FRIED CHICKEN for dinner!

Yes, folks that's how it works at the homestead. Why? because my boys (including DH) love fried chicken, i don't cook fried chicken, or buy it except on very very rare occasions-so this is like a real treat. they also get to have me out of the house which means they can play their guitars and TV too loud, and come in and out of the kitchen without me giving them "the look".
it's a real win-win for me, hmmm- 4+ hours alone with my knitting, no cooking or clean up, well i'll probably have to make a pasta side so i can have something lo-cal, low fat, but how easy is that?

anyway, i've given myself a deadline on the stole to have it finished by wednesday the 12, so i can block on the 13 (at the office so I can use the large conference room table), and it can dry on the 14, and then i can wear it to a party i'm going to on the 15th. sounds like a good plan however; between now and the 15 i have- 3 evening events, 3 lunch events, a yard sale to assist with, decorations to finish putting up, house cleaning (light this week :-), grocery shopping, cooking, baking, an on-line meeting to moderate, excercise, a busy sunday at church, work, and oh yea-- sleep! we'll see what happens!


♥officer safety this week
♥great books
♥not running out of gas because i waited so long to refill!
♥a schedule that will settle down after the 15th!

photo found on-

1 comment:

Mary said...

you're a smart lady with a plan - I'm sure it will work out and you'll be wearing your beautiful new stole next weekend. Happy knitting!